What is Vapor Abrasive Blasting?
Vapor Abrasive Blasting is similar to dry blasting, except that the blast media is moistened prior to impacting the surface and creates up to 92% less dust. Less Dust Means Less Containment and Clean-up Testing conducted by a third-party agency shows that vapor abrasive blasting suppresses up to 92% of dust compared to dry blasting. Because dust is minimized, less containment may be required and media clean-up time can be reduced. Since EcoQuip 2 uses less water than slurry or other water-based technologies, pools of water aren’t left behind, and there is less need to worry about toxic runoff. The end result with EcoQuip 2 is a cleaner, better contained process.
The Graco EcoQuip 2 line of Vapor Abrasive Blast equipment is built with your needs in mind. Depending on your job requirements, we have you covered. Find out which system is right for you by contacting one of our professionals at (850) 640-0285 or by reviewing the EcoQuip manual.